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L'albufera desde Cullera. Todo el paraje marrón son campos de arroz. En verano, verde es precioso!!!
Fort Campbell, United States
U.S. Army soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), who are earmarked for the fight against Ebola, put on protective suits during training before their deployment to West Africa.
Photograph: Harrison McClary/Reuters


Tormenta de la tarde de ayer sobre Valencia capital, el frente nuboso abarcaba unos 30 o 40 kilometros.

Abuelete II, pues yo hice esta ayer desde Cullera mientras comía con RogeRT.

Cierto es la misma tormenta pero cuando yo realice mis fotos tu solo la veías de lejos tardo unos minutos en llegar a Cullera. :rolleyes2:;)

Aquí tienes la misma tormenta dirigiendose hacia cullera que se ve a la izquierda de la foto. :)

Última edición:
Joe Broyles has spent five years attempting to capture this rare shot, almost impossible due to the speed the aircraft moves. His stunning image features an F-18 Super Hornet 2 jet with a vapour cone forming around it. This cone, which lasted just tenths of a second, is produced when an aircraft reaches transonic velocity - the speed of sound (766mph). Joe, 61, photographed the event at the Oceania Naval Air Station in Virginia Beach, USAPicture: Joe Broyles/Caters
Joe Broyles has spent five years attempting to capture this rare shot, almost impossible due to the speed the aircraft moves. His stunning image features an F-18 Super Hornet 2 jet with a vapour cone forming around it. This cone, which lasted just tenths of a second, is produced when an aircraft reaches transonic velocity - the speed of sound (766mph). Joe, 61, photographed the event at the Oceania Naval Air Station in Virginia Beach, USAPicture: Joe Broyles/Caters

Que bonita. Rompiendo la barrera del sonido....:shocked:...!!!!!
Si, ya se que no es "solo" una imagen, son muchas, unidas unas a otras, eso si. Pero me ha parecido espectacular.

PD. El que no quiera ver la animación, que no lo haga.

Última edición:
Una auténtica pasada amigo atance.
Se lo envió a mis compañeros arquitectos.
2014 Wildlife photographer of the Year

The results of the wildlife photographer of the year 2014 competition have been announced at London’s Natural History Museum. The overall winner is American photographer Michael Nichols with his image of five female lions at rest with their cubs in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park. Here is a selection of some of the winning images.

El artículo complete está aquí:

2014 Wildlife photographer of the Year | Environment | The Guardian